I sang in a youth choir in high school. It was the highlight of my week. Our conductor was an amazing bald guy who wore coat and tails to rehearsal and always had on a pair of funny socks. When we messed up he would threaten to throw his shoe at us…an idle threat that received guaranteed laughs from a room full of teens. He also taught us about “watermelon.” When you forget the words, stop singing and just mouth the word “watermelon” over and over until you can join back in. Thankfully, we never needed the “watermelon” technique but it turns out the same strategy works for summer crafting. When you aren’t sure what to make. Watermelon. When you’re out of ideas. Watermelon. Apparently, watermelon fixes everything. You think “watermelon” can makes this pile of dirty dishes go away. I’m willing to try it.
I’m calling in the watermelon reinforcements for today’s easy peasy project. These paper fans are perfect for whatever sort of summertime partying you’ve got going on. They can keep you cool while looking cute. And if you give me 60 seconds of your time, I can show you how to make them.
What you’ll need:
- Pink paper (nothing too thick, scrapbook paper works great!)
- Green washi tape
- a black pen
- a scoring tool
- an embossing stylus
- jumbo popsicle sticks
- a hot glue gun
What you do:
- take a look at the “Paper Medallion Fan” Video in Craft 101 for the basic technique.
- To make watermelon fans add strips of green washi to the top and bottom of the scored sheets of paper…
- …then once the fan is assembled, use a black pen to add little seeds. That’s it!
Ha ha, watermelon does fix everything! When I was pregnant with my first and so sick, watermelon was the only thing I could keep down. And if the kids won’t eat anythings, they’ll always eat watermelon!
P.S. Your fans are adorable and I am going to make me one for our 4th of July barbecue so I can try to stay cool 🙂
These are adorable!! Gonna make some today!
Watermelon is the answer to everything. Especially in the summer, watermelon EVERYTHING. These fans are adorable.
Dear Amber, as I saw your watermelon fans I knew I want to realize them! So I did and post them on my blog (linking your post!). It will be a plasure for me if u want to check in for a visit! thanks! Cristina from Italy
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