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Do you remember these? The technique can pretty much be applied to any shape so I thought I’d give you a walkthrough on how to create a cute candy box in the shape of an easter egg. Doesn’t get much simpler than this.

These little boxes trump all the plasticky, packaged candy you’ll find in everyone’s version of cryptonite: the Target Dollar Spot.  I can’t pass up that place. It’s the abyss of everything I want…and absolutely nothing I need. But, let’s get back to these handmade boxes.. I’m pretty sure they are cheaper than a buck to create. Beat that Dollar Spot.

Easter Egg Candy Boxes | Damask Love

Easter Egg Candy Boxes | Damask Love

Easter Egg Candy Boxes | Damask Love Easter Egg Candy Boxes | Damask Love

For my egg boxes, I used my Cricut Explore to cut out 3″ wide egg shapes, but you can totally cut them out with scissors. Once the box is assembled, have fun decorating the top with spring-timey patterns and colors.

Easter Egg Candy Boxes | Damask Love Easter Egg Candy Boxes | Damask Love

Easter Egg Candy Boxes | Damask Love

Easter Egg Candy Boxes | Damask Love

Easter Egg Candy Boxes | Damask Love

Easter Egg Candy Boxes | Damask Love

Easter Egg Candy Boxes | Damask Love

Easter Egg Candy Boxes | Damask Love

Easter Egg Candy Boxes | Damask Love

Easter Egg Candy Boxes | Damask Love


Today is the last voting day in the BHG Blogger Awards, which means I’m all done campaigning! If you have a sec to send in one more vote, that’d be awesome! If you’ve voted at any point over the next few weeks – thank you! You’re the bee’s knees.
Vote for Damask Love in the BHG Blogger Awards

Keep on crafting with these other posts

16 thoughts on “DIY Easter Egg Candy Boxes

  1. Ok that’s cute!! Have to remember this for all those “OH NO” times that I always seem to happen upon!!
    On a side note….my glue is drying!!! You ask..glue..drying..and I care why???? Ohh I will share with you!! I am making a pad of paper!!! Following directions of yours truly!!! I wanted to see how they turn out before committing myself to making about 50+ of these things for bridal shower!! But I was thinking…as I was looking for some paper I saw my Spellbinders sitting there..and thought..hmm…why couldn’t I make them out of a shape leaving one side flat! And I can pick a few different ones to make them out of!!!
    Thanks bunches!

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