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Crafting with epoxy resin can seem a little intimidating at first, but with Color Pour Resin, it’s actually pretty easy. In this tutorial, you’ll learn the tips and techniques needed to create your own customized monogram resin keychain. This project is incredibly on-trend and will turn your boring keychain into a show stopper.

First, let’s talk about the supplies you’ll need for to make your own resin keychain. (Visit the gallery at the end of this post for images of each product)

Once you’ve gathered the supplies, the rest of this diy project comes together quickly! This quick video shows you everything you need to know about this fun project.

STEP 1: Mix one part resin with one part hardener into the silicone cup. Stir thoroughly to combine together.

STEP 2: In a separate plastic cup (included with the supply kit) sprinkle in glitter (or whatever add-ins you’e using.. Then pour in the resin mix. Last, add in a few drops of dye. Stir thoroughly to completely incorporate.

STEP 3: Slowly pour resin into the silicone mold then allow to cure for 24 hours.

STEP 4: Remove hardened resin from mold.

STEP 5: Use the mini hand drill included with the jewelry kit to drill a hole into the resin letter. Rotate counterclockwise to remove drill from resin letter.

STEP 6: Using the pre-drilled hole as a guide, screw the keychain into place.

Now for a few tips to make sure your resin project is a success!


As you stir the resin mix, you may notice bubbles. Use a heat gun to eliminate bubbles. Once, I’ve mixed together the resin, glitter and dye, I like to apply the heat gun to the cup before pouring. This helps liquify the mix even more, making it even easier to pour.


A few hours after pouring the resin into the mold, it will start to harden and may feel ready to remove. Don’t disturb it! By touching it, you may leave fingerprints in the almost-cured resin.


Resin can release fumes that aren’t great to inhale over an extended period of time. To reduce this concern, make sure you complete your project in a well ventilated area, preferably outdoors. Also, make sure to wear a mask over your face while working with it.


Working with resin can get messy! Even the neatest crafter might get some resin on other surfaces like your phone, skin or other objects. Acetone nail polish or even lemon juice can help clean up the unwanted sticky resin residue.

Keep on crafting with these other posts

113 thoughts on “How to Make a Resin Keychain

  1. Where did you find the gold keychains? I love those and want to make some cool gifts with those. I love your creativity!!

  2. Can you make anything else besides keychains? I love how the letters look but I was wondering if u could make anything else.

    1. I’m going to make letter magnets, like I had when I was little but upgraded with pretty colors and glitter!

  3. These are beautiful! What glitter did you use in the white milky letters? It looks like confetti. And how did you get the milky white color?

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