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You’ve seen Mean Girls, right? Remember when Gretchen Wieners tried to make “fetch” happen? It never really caught on. Poor girl.

I’m about to try my hand at creating a catch phrase. “Trick or Treat” has had it time in the limelight. I dream of a world where kid’s go door to door, collecting candy in their pails and when each door swings open, they say, “Hey, Boo”…as in “Boo,” like what ghosts say…get it? Clever right? You think we can make “Hey Boo” a thing?

Let’s start with these “Hey Boo” Halloween Tag printables. Run off a few sheets on your Canon MG7720 printer, cut them out and add them to this years halloween treat bags. Easy and really cute.

No More "Trick or Treat" - "Hey Boo" is the new halloween greeting and now you can create your own Hey Boo Halloween Tag Printables with your Canon MG7720 Printer.

No More "Trick or Treat" - "Hey Boo" is the new halloween greeting and now you can create your own Hey Boo Halloween Tag Printables with your Canon MG7720 Printer.

No More "Trick or Treat" - "Hey Boo" is the new halloween greeting and now you can create your own Hey Boo Halloween Tag Printables with your Canon MG7720 Printer.

No More "Trick or Treat" - "Hey Boo" is the new halloween greeting and now you can create your own Hey Boo Halloween Tag Printables with your Canon MG7720 Printer.

No More "Trick or Treat" - "Hey Boo" is the new halloween greeting and now you can create your own Hey Boo Halloween Tag Printables with your Canon MG7720 Printer.

No More "Trick or Treat" - "Hey Boo" is the new halloween greeting and now you can create your own Hey Boo Halloween Tag Printables with your Canon MG7720 Printer.



Keep on crafting with these other posts

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