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If you’re a grown up in charge of little ones, Valentine’s Day means you’ll be spending the evening of February 13 assembling 30 treats for a classroom of cute kiddos. I’ve got your back! Here are three SUPER easy printable classroom valentine ideas that will make you look VERY put together…no one will know you did it the night before.

Watch here to see how I packaged everything up!


These little popsicle boxes are so adorable! Fold them along all the crease line before assembling.

Then fill with treats! Below is everything you’ll need!



My 9 year old son wasnt too keen on the pink popsicles so he opted for a pizza themed valentine! I started with cellophane bags and filled them with stickers and treats.



This is probably one of my favorites to make! It’s so cute and easy! Fill the bag with whatever you want!


Keep on crafting with these other posts

55 thoughts on “3 Easy Classroom Valentine Printable Ideas

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