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I fantasize about winning the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes…and I’m quite sure I would spend every last dime on pretty paper packages. And Valentinos. And Swedish Fish. In that order.

Thankfully, I can make my own paper packages. I can afford the occasional package of Swedish Fish. The Valentinos though – those are gonna have to fall out of the sky. Here’s hoping for a patent leather pump thunderstorm. Size 41 please.

Let’s go ahead and make some pretty paper packages and check that off the list. Back in the day, I published this tutorial  showing you how to make beautiful petal envelopes for the holidays. Today, we’re stepping it up just slightly and making pretty petal boxes that are easy to make – and perfect for giving small gifts. Strap on your Valentinos friends – let’s get this started.

Easy DIY Petal Boxes | Damask LoveEasy DIY Petal Boxes | Damask Love

Easy DIY Petal Boxes | Damask Love

  • Scissors
  • Craft Glue
  • Scoring board
  • 5″ square piece of cardstock, scored 1″ from each edge and cut as shown in the photo above.
  • Four 3″ die-cut circles

Easy DIY Petal Boxes | Damask Love{1}Assemble box by folding in the inner flaps

{2} Adhere the triangle flaps to the outer sides of the box to complete assembly.

{3} Score all four circles down the middle

{4} Trim the circle 1/4″ inch below the scored fold

{5} Repeat step 4 with all four circles

{6} Place craft glue on the 1/4″ flap and adhere each circle to the inside edge of each side of the box.

Easy DIY Petal Boxes | Damask Love

Easy DIY Petal Boxes | Damask Love

Easy DIY Petal Boxes | Damask Love

Easy DIY Petal Boxes | Damask Love

Easy DIY Petal Boxes | Damask LoveSupplyListHEader

Keep on crafting with these other posts

32 thoughts on “Pretty Petal Boxes

  1. Absolutely Adorable!! You’ve inspired me to get back into crafting. And Definitely would rock those beautiful shoes. I’m sure you have and idea for a card in mind to reflect them.

  2. Absolutely Adorable!! You’ve inspired me to get back into crafting. And Definitely would rock those beautiful shoes. I’m sure you have an idea for a card in mind to reflect them.

  3. I love what you do! You are my inspiration.
    I am going to make these little boxes and the glitter tags. I dont have the big sticker machine, but I am going to try with a different thing, sticky back canvas.
    Se you in my blogg when I have done that! 😉

  4. I really like this stepped up box. I bet a stack of these in pastel colors filled with some baked brownies would be spectacular! Thanks for showing us another way to use up our paper stash, Amber!

  5. I remember those beautiful petal envelopes, Amber. So glad you have altered the design and come up with these pretty boxes 🙂

    One day soon, I am sure you will have your Valentinos!!!

  6. These boxes are gorgeous! Thank you for the tutorial. I made 2 last night and they came out great. I read your blog every day & think you have the best crafting blog by far.

  7. Pingback: WOW Hearts…
  8. hello,i am Estelle from The Netherlands,
    Can you tell me what it is in metrics,please?

    Love and greetz,Estelle ?

  9. I just met 6 friends for dinner and gave them all a pretty petal box with prepackaged Reece’s thin cups and m&m’s for an early Mother’s day gift. I made each one a different color and they were all delighted! 🙂

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