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Why do people think it’s okay to come up to you and say “Oh, you look tired today.” It’s never a good idea. Never. Ever.

Either you are, in fact tired and now have the pleasure of added insult atop injury, as you spend the rest of your day exhausted AND aware that everyone thinks you look like shizz-a-dee-doo-dah. Alternatively, you are actually not tired at all, but are forced to lie and act like you are tired, because if you don’t you, are conceding to the fact that even on your most well-rested of days, you look like one of the Addams’. It’s a lose, lose every time.

Moral of the story: Don’t tell people that they look tired. The time you took to ruin that person’s day could be spent doing a bajillion other awesome things…like making stenciled lace stationery – which also takes minutes to do – but will make everyone happy, rather than annoyed. Basically, crafting makes everything better. Can I get an Amen.

Stenciled Lace Stationery | Damask Love IMG_3537

Stenciled Lace Stationery | Damask Love

Stenciled Lace Stationery | Damask Love

Note: Be sure your Xyron Sticker Maker is loaded with a repositional adhesive refill! This is important. This allows you to place the stencil and easily remove it. When purchased, the Xyron Sticker Maker comes pre-loaded with a permanent cartridge, so you’ll need to remove it and replace it with the repositional one, which can be ordered separately.

Stenciled Lace Stationery | Damask Love

{1} Cut out the stencil portion you’ll be using then run it through the sticker machine

{2} Once out, you’ll have a repositional sticker! Because of the intricate design, when the sticker first comes out of the machine, there may be adhesive in some of the holes. Just rub your finger back and forth over these areas to peel up the adhesive.

{3} Adhere the sticker to the card

{4} Apply paint with dauber using a gentle tapping motion.

{5} Peel back stencil while paint is still damp.

{6} All done! At this point, you just need to stamp your greeting message on the front.Stenciled Lace Stationery | Damask Love Stenciled Lace Stationery | Damask Love

Stenciled Lace Stationery | Damask Love

Stenciled Lace Stationery | Damask Love

Stenciled Lace Stationery | Damask Love

Don’ t these pretty cards make you think of springtime!?


Keep on crafting with these other posts

19 thoughts on “Stenciled Lace Stationery

  1. Beautiful cards! I also dislike when people state something completely obvious: You’re sunburned! Really? What? How did that happen, I had no idea!!!! Duh. People can be so rude. Crafting is the answer – it keeps me from going postal! 🙂

  2. Beautiful, and perfect for my sister’s upcoming shower. Oh, and on that whole tired look…I had a dear colleague tell me almost daily that I looked tired. I adored her, but heck lady!

  3. Beautiful, Amber, and the floral liner adds such a perfect finishing touch!

    I’m guilty of saying “you look tired” on occasion, it is usually out of concern though. ;oP

  4. This is sooooo prettay! The sticker maker is genius and I love how you changed the thank you stamp on each card. Thanks for keeping the inspiration coming! 😉

  5. Love, love, love this darling card & such a sweet envelope! I’m with you on the uncompliment thing – got a coworker who never fails to point something like that out. It’s like Mama said, if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all! Hugs to you.

  6. So, so genius to run the stencil through your Xyron! I never would have thought of it, but adding it to my must-do list next time.

  7. Amen! I mean, really. I bought some MS stencils a long time ago…will have to dust them off and try out this technique.

  8. Beautiful! I love the white on the craft! As for the tired comment…first of all if anyone has a right to be tired it would be you – second – consider the source! Most of the time comments like that are made because someone is either jealous or controlling – and once in a rare while they are made out of genuine concern, but no matter what the motive for saying it – people need to know it is not a flattering statement. Just tell them if they want to know how to be tired and still look so gorgeous they can find the answer in your blog – they might get tired trying to search for the answer, you’ll get them to visit your blog, they might learn something cool!

  9. How clever, Amber! Love the result using stencils. I need a bigger Xyron sticker maker like yours. : )

  10. Wonderful idea for card making! Love it! However, I may have missed something? The photos and description feature both Avery Elle Pure White ink and Wedding Cake acrylic paint. Which is used when making these cards?

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